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    VHS Nasty is part 3 in the infamous cult VHS doc series "VHS Lives". In the early 80's, VCR players were in every house, but a legendary cult following developed during the VHS era like no other, those that loved The Video Nasty! With video stores on every corner during the VHS boom, they were flooded with an array of horror the likes of which we will never see again. The sleeve art was awesome and these unregulated horror, gore and sexploitation films rocked before they were eventually banned in the UK and the hysteria started to spread across the globe! VHS Nasty delves deep into the cult classic satanic panic that is the video nasties, taking an in-depth look at censorship within horror films specifically the video nasty scandal that shook not only Britain in the early 80's, but shook the world into a frenzy of panic! Talking about cult video nasties such as Faces of Death, Cannibal Holocaust, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Driller Killer and many more. Brought to you by Tony Newton the creator and producer of VHS Lives series, 60 Seconds to Die, 1000 Zombies and the Grindsploitation film series


    • 2.0 HD中字 极乐 欧文·威尔逊,萨尔玛·海耶克,玛德琳·奇玛,内斯塔·库珀,乔舒华·莱纳德,小豪尔赫·兰登伯格,钱信伊,德龙·霍顿,史蒂夫·齐西斯,梅西·麦克利,凯蒂·麦克凯布,Debbie Fan,Erin Flannery,凯拉·亚当斯,Megan Le,达林·库珀,克里斯托弗·艾伯,斯科特·道格拉斯麦·克拉克伦
    • 1.0 HD中字 王立宇宙军:欧尼亚米斯之翼 森本治行,弥生美月,村田彩,曾我部和行,平野正人,铃置洋孝,伊泽弘,户谷公次,安原义人,岛田敏,安西正弘,内田稔,饭塚昭三,大塚周夫,及川广夫,槐柳二,纳谷悟朗,寺岛干夫,梶哲也,牧野和子,后藤敦,胜生真沙子,小林优子,濑那礼子,泽律雄,石井隆夫,村越伊知郎,山下启介,林一夫,八代骏,山崎哲也,德光和夫,熊仓一雄
    • 5.0 HD中字 人口零增长 奥列佛·里德,杰拉丁·卓别林,唐·戈登,黛安妮·赛琳托,大卫·马卡姆,比尔·纳吉,Sheila Reid,奥布里·伍兹,Wayne Rodda,Ditte Maria Wiberg,比吉特·菲德斯皮尔,隆娜·林多夫,Belinda Donkin,克劳斯·尼森,Jeff Slocombe
    • 7.0 HD中字 正午的梦魇 维林斯·豪塞尔,博·霍普金斯,乔治·肯尼迪,金伯莉·贝克,布里翁·詹姆斯
    • 8.0 HD中字 鼹鼠人 约翰·艾加尔,休·博蒙特,阿兰·纳皮尔,内斯特帕瓦,Phil Chambers,罗德·雷德温,罗温·休斯
    • 1.0 HD中字 科学怪人的怪兽 山达对盖拉 ラス・タンブリン,睦五郎,佐原健二,水野久美


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